— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Recently, my mother and I remembered my childhood. I remembered such a story.

I was eight years old in the yard in the early 2000s. I did not have friends, the television was mostly hard Brazilian series on +100500 series, the computer was 1 for the whole village and stood in the office with the head of administration. There were only books left of entertainment, and we had enough of them at home.

And I encountered somehow in one of the encyclopedias for information about Jeanne D. Arc. Here Fig knows why she caught me so fast, but I started looking for information everywhere (I didn’t know about the existence of the great Internet at the time). Soon I became a small speaker in this part of French history.

Time passed, my kind eldest brother wrote a history book. And, o miracle, the theme is this Orléans Virgin. My star hour came, I took the posture of Radzinsky and began to read a lecture. Particular attention was paid to the point about the voices of the saints that Jeanne heard. I listed the entire list.

So my mother heard me. On Saturday, when all the relatives went to the bathroom, a family council was gathered. I was called into the room and asked to voice the voices once again. I, a simple soul, calmly said. I was listened and driven out of the room. A few days later, a strange uncle came home to us and told me that imaginary friends are not bad, but we have to fight it. Well, I listened to this, type of me why this information. It turned out that I was absolutely contactless and did not want to share my experiences. In short, this uncle disappeared as unexpectedly as he appeared.

And then, many years later, I decided to ask my mother the question: what kind of frog was it? Because nobody explained to me what was happening at all. As it turned out, in those distant times my whole precious family decided that in this way I decided to tell about what I hear voices in my head. After all, the eight-year-old can’t know who Jeanne D. Arc is. ! to L is logical.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna