— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Once, an older brother asked his mother how she defined the "session" in our apartment so accurately while they and his father were on a trip?

“It’s easy enough, it’s my apartment and I know where and what I have, and you are my kids.

Usually there were three to four guests.

1) For a day - two pot soup was prepared, still in the freezer always a stock of homemade peelings, strawberries, cottlets. And one person a day to eat 4 liters of soup and half the stock

Peelings and wardrobes can’t.

I knew you were drinking. Wine or something stronger. It is not enough to just rinse the fuse under water, there are divorces from water drops.

I immediately saw the beds on which your friends slept, you didn’t make the bed. Thank you for not touching my father’s bed.

For these trips, my father and I did not argue, but for prevention, I did. Did you notice that I didn’t argue with you when a girl came to visit, now my donya-snowha?

How defined it? It’s easy, especially in the kitchen.

1) Lazy for cooking and your maximum, it is to roast eggs, potatoes, cook pelmeni, and from spices salt / pepper, laurel leaf.  Immediately I saw that a “foreign” man was carving in my stocks.

Remove the little ones from the table? You have half the crumbs on the floor, the rest together with the cloth, either in the shell or at the corner weigh. Immediately clean floor and table, the cloth is rinse and hangs on the dryer.

Washing the dishes? The dishes are "washed", all around the dishwasher is in water. When the girl was in the guests, everything around the shell was dry. The water towel hangs on the battery and I saw it used (I hanged a clean towel before leaving).

4) The most difficult thing was to understand if you drank? Snocha wiped the fusies after washing with a towel and tried to put them in the same places as I did.

She always ruled the bed.

That is all! There are no tricks ?

Mom and the little one?

And the little one took all the “best” qualities of our parents.

These are what?

Do you know your son?  He is a good guy, kind, responsive, but greedy and sometimes still a harmful one.

Guests went to him, but never stayed overnight, or he did not leave them. For the guests he was always prepared, something on the table, more needed he did not get or put. Of the father's reserves, you often pulled fluids, the father always kept silent, but the little, on the contrary, replenished these reserves and obviously not at his own expense.

Do you remember the neighbor’s grandmother Zina who lived below us?

and yes.

So here is! The next day, when I was back from work. She told me who we had in the apartment, when they came, when they left, about what they were doing, noise or not. With neighbors you need to be in a friendly relationship, they will tell a lot!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna