— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day, in a break between work, I decided to do it again. The Russian philosopher. Since the outcome of the admission was me, in principle, not important, my mood was extremely pofigistic. I would even say, a playful mood. And I got a difficult question at the literature exam: "Revolutionary themes in the lyric of Nekrasov".

My yo...

I, besides that this work, Vanya, was a terribly enormous and dull-poor Belarusian, remembered nothing. at all. Therefore, when I went to the examiners' table, my sight was insanely confident, my sight straight, and my speech clear and firm.

I said, “I fear that this work of Nekrasov does not quite correspond to the stated themes and does not reveal revolutionary nature, but I want to tell you about it...”

And with a glass eye and pathetics in his voice, he issued a two-page composition of a 17-year-old ballbess named Vitaly, that is, a poet who poets himself.

Brad type: And in the hot spot he gets, and in the high castle that on the rock runs. The men gathered together, strangely smiling. A large crowd is rushing out.

Moreover, since I declamated without speech and with a worthy Stanislavsky intonation, I was sure that I would be stopped in the second paragraph. But not. The fifty-five-year-old chairwoman and her young colleague raised their eyebrows and listened to everyone! Until the end!

of course! Absolutely unknown work of the great writer. Several times during the Benefit I was laughing, but I resisted, realizing that without it I would now be taken to clean water and crucified. Maybe even a couple of times...

Again I was wrong! The chairwoman fixed her glasses on her nose and said, “You o-shi-ba-e-se!” I stumbled in anticipation of the phrase "This is not Nekrasov", but Madame continued: "Nikolai Alekseevich in this work speaks precisely about the predisposition of society to rebellion. The meaningless and merciless" and further explained to me how the great poet was guided by creating this verse.

Assessment of 4. Free...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna