— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I visited a friend in another city. And here, one late evening, when I was sitting in the kitchen for a compost, he comes in so worried and begins to search the kitchen. I ask, what are you looking for? “I can’t find the mirror. I put it in a pack with the charging and the lens and there is no package.”

We searched together. without a result.

You know, I probably dropped this package with garbage yesterday! The garbage was dumped and seized. Let’s go to wash. We look there!

We dress up and go. The boxes near the house are full. I looked up, but where was it... It became clear that if there was a package somewhere, inside these tanks. What to do?

I have an idea! Let’s find a bombardment, pay him money and let him in this tank and find that damn package!

We call a taxi. The night. The taxi driver: “Where are we going?”

We need to find a bomb. Here we picked up the cloth, laying on the seat. Go to market. I know, there was one place for them.

We come to the market, empty, closed. We walked around, fig there. The Taxi:

It’s too late, they’re probably already sleeping.

Where can they be?

It can still be at the station.

Go to the station. Empty too. We travelled around the city for training and returned.

Well, you’ll have to see, you’ll have to go there yourself. Is it worth it?

Yes it stands. Wait here, I am now.

Comes dressed up. The clothes are clean, just old.

And he starts taking out the bag and transferring it to the neighbor.

Are you sure this is the bag?

Yes, of course! I dropped to the left.

He cries, I light up the phone. At the bottom he finds his suitcase of garbage.

Here is my package! Uff!

And the camera?

The time...

Draw the tank to the end. There is no second camera. We go home.

We go to the village on the weekend. There his friends, relatives... A friend comes, brings a bag with a camera.

You came to the shelters a week ago. I forgot the package.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna