— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’m 32 years old and only now have I finally realized that I can’t distinguish between colors. There were no problems in school and universe, there were sometimes laughs when I spoke black instead of blue, and instead of yellow - green, but everything was perceived as a joke, as if I was confusing words or humorous. I served in the army, I have a driver's license, I have been driving for 12 years, I have been working for seven years in a company closely related to various groundings, enamels and lacks. Sometimes I called the color wrong, but I didn’t take it seriously.

Today I wanted to buy a box of candy in the store, and I had such a dialogue (I - I, Seller - P)

I - Please give that green box of candy (I point to the hand)

P is actually yellow.

I: Okay, let her go.

Q: Are you a weak-looking person?

I: No, you have never complained.

Q: You said the box is green, but it is yellow.

I: - I just talked, the head of others is stuck

You all have the heads of others, you can’t think about yourself.

(I rushed, and could only push out): - Payment by card

He gets another box from under the shelf and asks, what color?

I: The Black

P is blue. The operation is dangerous, but you can buy special glasses

I: Okay thank you

Q: I’ve been an oculist for 14 years, so don’t look at me that way.

I: thank you

When I got home, I thought and sat in the car for 15 minutes. The man worked as an ophthalmologist, and now he sells candy, it is quite possible that it is... While he was sitting in the car, watching videos on YouTube about how Daltonists first see the world in colours, it is impressive. I even found out where to order glasses, but the prices bite.

The fact is that I confuse only blue-blue-black and green-yellow-orange. At the same time, I have no difficulties in everyday life, I work mostly with documents, and in life it is very rare for me to be asked about flowers, except that my wife with curtains gets. I’m really upset that I don’t see something, but I’ve long been trapped in distinguishing colors by appearance, by how they shine in the sun or are in the shadow, I don’t know how to explain it, probably it’s intuition.

Maybe there are people with similar problems? Have you reconciled? Maybe I bought glasses? Did the operation help you? Please leave it in the comments.

All good vision, rest from the monitor for at least five minutes.

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