— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Xxx: How the old friend called.

Q: Do you live next to the station?

I : Yes

In fact, the boys on the bus didn’t have time to let them drink beer.

Without a problem.

He met them, invited them home, explained where to sleep, eat and wash. There was no mood to drink, the boys said, just sit down and don’t joke a lot. I found out that they were going home with ParkFesta. I explained to them that I am going to work at 6 a.m. you can eat breakfast here as a thread and hide the key here.The girl fucked her brains all night that you can sleep there when strangers bump in the kitchen. I come from work the next day, the apartment is out. Not only did they get rid of me, but they also got rid of me. They left 3 liters of beer in the cold. The most interesting thing is that we never met, I don’t even know how they called, and I didn’t even introduce myself to them.

Yyy: How can you sleep there when strangers in the kitchen

really is. I think that without me they bump somewhere, sometimes they don’t even sleep.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna