— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember the 10-12 years ago.

I then worked in a 24-hour kiosk as a salesman. There was no restriction on drinking during the night. Most often it was like this: during the day there are many buyers, and at night you look at the telephone or sleep, the buyer approaches and wakes up by knocking on the window. I think many will remember this form of trade.

One night I knock, I open the window, and my uncle stands. Happy as a smile in all 32. Apparently quite overwhelmed.

Hello to you, girl! A beer please! I am so happy that my wife gave birth to a son!

I congratulate you

M – Yes, today was such a wonderful day! I am on a business trip now, prepared the project for the presentation, successfully presented it and now our company will get a contract for a few million, and I - a non-stop prize!

Well, I can congratulate you twice.

M yes thank you. I decided to point out. You know, I’ve been working on this project for so long, it’s very important. I recorded it on the disc, now I carry it with me. Imagine I’m carrying a few millions with me, roughly speaking. I don’t trust anyone, I don’t leave anywhere.

He showed me this record several times. Well, I did not pay special attention, because all kinds of buyers are full of strangers and no longer interesting.

I am UGU. Here is your beer, all good.

is leaving. Five minutes later, a girl knocks on the window. He asks to sell something and says:

Oh, you have a disk here.

And shows the same album "with a multi-million project"

I - Probably, the man left, 5 minutes before you was here. Put him here, he will come back for him.

D – No, I will not. Suddenly there is something important! I’d rather leave him with me, this man I’ll look for here in the courts. Winter, cold, three hours of night

I am OK. All the good.

There are another five minutes. This man knocks. All in panic:

M is a disc! I left my record! I have lost!! That is all my work!! There is a project!! I will be fired!! My wife gave birth today. God, how am I now? How do I keep them?? to

I tell him that the disc was taken by a girl, went to look for you, you can wait for her here, maybe she will come back.

M: No, I’ll go and find her. If I find it, I’ll give you a reward of 10,000! Give me the disc!

is leaving. Then comes a girl.

D - You know, I just went home, watched the disc... There is very interesting information! You can get a lot of money for him!

I-Dak wait here and get a reward.

I already understand what becomes like a show. Well, let’s see what happens next...

D – No, I’ll go home and go online, suddenly I can sell expensive.

Maybe, maybe wait anyway? The man came, very upset, wanted to give a reward of 10k.

D is yes? Maybe I’ll find him here. He is probably nearby.

is leaving. Well, I am already waiting for the arrival of this man, who in tears will tell about his difficult fate, which will catch him. The boring night shift straight revived 😄 I will not bother you with the same type of dialogue, they were running after each other several times, and I was waiting for the unlock.

Everything was roughly the same. The man was upset that his family would now die of hunger, all he wanted to give 10k for the disc, and madam all ran away and could not take the reward))) In the end, she says to me:

D – Something I can’t find. Let me give you a disc for 5000! Good luck, you will get the same! You will earn.

I am not, let’s not. Let’s, you leave me this disc, and I will then honestly give you 5k 😄 And in general, you’ve gotten tired of this comedy. I want to sleep and you are disturbing me. It is no longer interesting. I can call the police so you can find each other 😄

They didn’t come anymore ?

The guys have to pay tribute - the acting game was excellent. Apparently, many times they worked, because so much time and effort spent on this show)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna