— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I worked in a very large office. And I had a girl there in the bosses – a very clever lady, and what there – a rare genius of the mind personality. And she was absolutely "graphic", everything in her life was built on forecasting, on elaborate time management tables, on charts and other charts. I was not in a close relationship with her, but as a trusting person, because the "Iron Lady" was sometimes bad at heart, and I had her a rope.

And here, somehow, when I looked through with her all her charts, aspirations and other labours (very important and well-worked), I stumbled over one sheet, asked, what is that?

And the “Iron Lady” answered, and killed me with her response. It turns out – it was the schedule of her “private life.” She has already pleaded that within a year she will be sent to the central, capital branch, where she had already had a "pre-planned" relationship with one of the locksmiths, taking into account both her own and common investments, it was divided into "two ways" - the acquisition of personal housing, the accumulation of holidays, and the timing of the child's birth. That is, when she was not married, she had already pretended in advance - how much she would get pregnant, how much she would give birth, by the time of the accumulated leave she should have enough for something there, just as pretended about what and how she would be doing at a distance, because she was not going to quit work during the period of "bearing and feeding".

I say:

- Listen, and what if... and what if you can't give birth, - if honestly, I was afraid to ask this question, because... Well, somehow it's not complicit to ask such questions, but at the same time I knew that she has a lot of problems on the female part...

"Look, if it doesn't come out before thirty-five, this is an adoption, it is desirable, of course, to be two years old, a boy.

A strange child is not stressful.

He is still a child.

and clearly.

So, years have passed, I have not worked in that office for a long time, almost eleven years have passed since then. What is the “Iron Lady”? And nothing - raises an adoptive son with the same "blind" in the apartment bought there, in the capital, and everything happened exactly as she planned.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna