— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When it comes to taking the driving exam in the United States, I also have a history.
My brother has been driving a car in Odessa for a long time, and his wife is not at all. They came and need to ride - not to earn money, but to move. Then with foreign licenses to take the driving was not necessary, and the theoretical exam is not necessary. In the evening I read a book on the subject and went to take it over. My wife gave up, but my brother did not. How is it? The most primitive questions and he is a driver with an experience?! to
Approaches to a dumb citizen who took the exam:
Could you explain why I did not give up?
– Well, look... – and puts a spell on a sheet in which the brother puts the crosses opposite the answers.
Of the 20 questions, only three were answered correctly.

The brother looks and sees that the truffle belongs to the variant B, and he passed the test of the variant A, which he gladly immediately indicated to the instructor - the mistake, say, came from your side. The examiner answers:
I know nothing. I was the first day at work and the supervisor gave me this template, and I will not bother it because of nonsense!
had to transfer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna