— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I stayed in the yard of a large ZK, I rent an apartment here. A court like a court, such thousands across the Russian Federation are scattered. I was stuck so that I couldn’t leave. He left the phone under the glass.

The next thing just struck me, I didn’t even believe at first that the man was serious. I am the driver of the car.

I am a good day. You are worried about your car. You struck me, I can’t go out, take away, pj, the machine.

A - Yes, I saw that underper, turn to the driver of the neighbor's car. Let him clean.

I’m sorry, but you struck me, not the driver of the neighbor’s car.

I am on vacation in Moscow, please do not worry. I will come in a week.

What week is it??? Are you serious? I have to go. You hurt me!! to

Young man, you put the car not in your place. Pray and wait! Next time, don’t put where you need to, there’s usually no one parking.

I - But I parked there, didn't break anything! I rented an apartment in this area. Do you hear yourself?

I am all resting!

I put on the phone!! My steel nerves didn’t stand.

I call again.

Let’s resolve the issue! I need to go somewhere now and somewhere else on Sunday. Pay me a taxi, I will take off the checks and we will consider the matter closed.

B – You have to go – you pay.

That I was angry, everyone heard. The guard ran, saying that this individual was constantly behaving. Everyone goes through the forest. Well I think okay. I call the GIBD, from the fifth time I called to the appropriate department. described the situation. I gave him the number. In five minutes he will call.

Sorry, I will now transfer all the money to you by taxi, cancel the evacuator, pj. I have translated. And a minute later they call from GIBDD and ask, you were able to agree, I take a call to the evacuator. Take a picture, as if you agreed.

And this morning I wrote that I planned to go to a remote place (there really 1500 at one end of the road), polite asked to remove the car, or to unlock me. I come in the evening, his car is not there. I think thank you, finally. There was a great scratch on the cap. Well, small people and avenge small. I asked for a video from the camera. Everything is well seen there. We will seek justice by legal means. Even if it was him, he had already punished himself. No one has repealed the Boomerang Law.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna