— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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10-12 years ago it was necessary for a large foreign company to do a project in the marketing sphere. I was on the side of the service provider. A big boss from the customer wanted to get a refund from our office (surprisingly and unusual of course 😄). The owner of our company sent me to these informal negotiations. I said I’m going to be “from Fedor,” like a password. This was the first unofficial relationship. At the meeting, the employer’s director insisted on calling me Fedor. A couple of times I tried to correct that I was Vitaly of Fedor, but he persistently continued. Well...Hz, maybe the corrupt is encrypted, maybe he needs it. Then I conducted all the official affairs with that company for another couple of years precisely as Fedor. Everything was good for everyone. Then the contract was closed and there was no reason to communicate.

It’s been seven to eight years, I’m sitting at a meeting at another big company, we’ve been working for six months, we’re solving some difficult issue. Nothing goes well. Everyone is really tense, negotiations are entering an impasse. I decided to take a break and breathe out. And the customer side says that they will now attract a very large boss to the negotiations, because the contract needs to be revised, other departments involved, and for this, in order not to delay, it is better to immediately attract the boss and talk. It will be easier to think and decide. While they were waiting for the director and drinking coffee, I went to the relaxation room. After relaxing, washing and refreshed, I return to the negotiation. Their new boss is already in the situation. He begins to introduce me: Here is the project manager...

He looks away from the monitor and sees me and his face blows up in a smile (that’s the director from that old office): Oh, good morning, Fedor! Now I am sure that we will find a solution with such a professional.

Fuck, thank you, I didn’t get into the movie. The process of convincing him that I Vitaly took a while. All the participants in the process looked at us very closely. I was confused with someone in the team for years. And he still seems to think I’m some kind of a spy who changes passports and names for every project. I can’t believe he just stumbled.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna