— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We had not been on the steam boat yet, and there was panic.
How is it on the shore? Are there still healthy people and when they will begin to turn into vampires and zombies?" - these questions increasingly worried the team after watching the next issue of the news.
There was also a “feast on our street”: an unplanned visit to North America. In the port of the same city, where a bright outbreak of the world pandemic and other delights of the high year. The crew, listening to the media about the means of individual protection and social distance, decided to prepare.

Imagine a situation: a black immigration officer is guarding a passport check in the port. Suddenly, a crowd of pale-faced healthy men in masks and in the hands of everyone... a spat. One of them immediately begins to tick the African-American in the face with this spade, and the others friendly take their chance instrument to prevail. What is the officer’s mind? It’s right: the Ku Klux Clan, in revenge for the BLM movement, wants to kill and bury a poor Negro right here, on the spot. It doesn’t matter if the floor is concrete.
Probably, this was what the immigration control officer thought when, while keeping social distance, the Botsman tried to hand over his passport on the blade.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna