— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Two friends came to visit me yesterday, one of them with a 4-year-old daughter. They agreed that I would give them green tea from Thailand, and they would bring rolls.

Nothing predicted trouble.

While the girls were coveted on the table and mastered the kitchen, I went into the hall to arrange entertainment for a 4-year-old girl. With the words - "Go, uncle Igor will show you cartoons now."

While I was running the PS4 to turn on YouTube and then find cartoons about Elza, I was trying to keep the conversation. I asked her about her hobbies and everything in that spirit.

Suddenly this miracle declares –

D: “And I can also sit on the sword! “”

I said, “Oh how cool! Will you show?” (I am still watching TV)

D: “Of course! Thou shalt!”

He runs to the kitchen.

What happened next caused my heart to shake.

I hear a child’s voice from the kitchen:

D: “Maam, maam! Uncle Igor asked me to take off my pants, can you help?”

There was silence in the kitchen. My eyes turned into the eyes of Steve Bush. The rear pass is compressed proportionally to the eyes.

I run to the kitchen. People with the same eyes are looking at me.

Everything ended well and we all laughed together. But hell, I really hope that now that childhood voice won’t chase me in nightmares.

and upd. The logic of the girl. She was in jeans and could not sit on a sword. So they had to be removed first. There were jeans underneath.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna