— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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But never in my life I thought I would get so...
returned from Moscow and decided to go into a sex shop (woman has long been sitting on her ears that she wants to do something like that) bought a super mega popper vibrator which rotates in seven planes and does something more... and on the way I remember that I need to go to the city administration of N which is famous for its mega suspicious guards....
I go in and put a black and not enlightening bag (who bought in the sex shop saw) next to me on the floor. And I send the paperboard in the window so that it can be registered and sent to somewhere.
Suddenly I realize that my hands are strangely behind my back as wings are folded, and the floor is very fast approaching my face.
At the same time, the second guard of all his stupidity falls on a bag that suspiciously moves away from me.
To say that I was a red caddy pulled into the world a 20 cm long monster means not to say anything...
Thank you to the guard who was humorous and promised to keep silent... I’m waiting for a story about a fool who tried to blow up the administration with a vibrator.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna