xx1: I’m always roaring when I go to the classical dress section at Wildberry, where this pseudo-Italian shit is a pond pond.
Toni Hueti, Dino Govnici, Carlo Zalupini and so on.
Why do they invent these Italian names for brands? Business model of some grandparents from the market.
xx2: Many are rolling, such as Carlo Pazolini, Incanto, Zolla
And everybody knows they’re Russian.
xx4: Some do not know and think that we are not producing anything.
xx5: So it is not mainly manufactured, it is ordered in China, and we have stamps sewn.
xx6: Birks are also sewing in China
xx7: Well, the price is exactly our hanging
xx8: No, sellers from Central Asia
Q9: Do you buy them?
X10: No