— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I watched on YouTube stories with Reddit from the series Kill Me Plys What... Well stories in which people tell how they are ashamed of some of their actions.

In general, the family took a little boy from the children's home. The normal boy, kind, calm, was happy to be welcomed. But there was also an older son in the family, a native and in general he was the author of that post. And that he did not like the receptionist straight in a tough way and decided to get rid of him in any way. Well, I think this is from the psychology of cocks or something like that. He started cutting and rolling everything on the reception. It breaks what it is, it breaks, everything falls on the receiver, and he in sincere confusion rejects, well, what a figured, he did not! I probably did not expect anything like this to happen at all. Well, the native son eventually argued a decent amount of money, spent the money, and of course dropped everything on the receptionist. The parents were finally angry, of course, and decided to give the boy back to the childhood. And here they take him in the childhood, and he cries and gives the oldest to say goodbye to the toy pistol, the only thing that belonged to him. This is of course in the affix.

Well, no, the good end did not work out, the wretch never confessed anything. Only here in Reddit shared this story. I hope that this gunman will torment him all his life, because I can’t imagine a worse deed. The story hit me so hard in memory that when I see it, I immediately get a piece in my throat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna