— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Every day, after work, I wait for my wife for about an hour near the store where she works and then we go home together. One day, I came to meet her and sat down on the bench next to the store. At ten meters there is a playground where always a bunch of babies ride. I sit and just look, remembering my at that age and smiling. A police patrol car approaches the site, a woman approaches them and begins to emotionally tell by pointing her hand at me. They approach me with her and polently ask for papers and ask what I am doing here. I explain that my wife is working in this store and I am waiting for her working day to end, that would go home and what is the problem? I am sober, I do not smoke, I sit quietly on the bench and I do not touch anyone. It turns out that a call came from this woman that in the area of the playground is sitting an adult man and looking at the babies smiles ugly (it is literally), and most likely it is a pedophile who wants to rape children. She sees me for the third time in this place and is sure of this, as no normal man will sit and watch for children!!!! The police officer took my passport, entered the car, checked me at the base for convictions and other offences. I was crystal clear before the law. At this moment, a woman comes out of the store and comes to us. The police apologize, return their passports and leave. The woman also leaves with her child. I really stand as a defendant. All the mood is damned to the hell. I understand everything, vigilance above all, but this site is outside the residential house, children go there only with their parents, I fucking in six months I will be a grandfather and I am registered as a pedophile. In the evening I learned that this woman not only called the police, she also photographed me and placed in a local telegram the police channel as a presumed pedophile!!! Good from the channel my photo was removed promptly, but still many people saw it, including my acquaintances.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna