— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I work in a taxi and I get another order. I come to the place, the customer goes out, calls the final address. Next I am I, P is the passenger.

I: I know this house, interesting architecture.

A normal house.

I: Well don’t say, a house with two arches is one in the city.

Q: With which other two arches?

I: Well, there are two arches in this house.

Q: I have lived in this house for 6 years, there is one arch.

We go on quietly, I think maybe I was wrong, maybe confused with some other house? Immersed in their thoughts, they unnoticedly approached home. And then the client gives: God, in my house there are really two arches, so many years I live and have not noticed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna