— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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As Lenin died (1924), it turned out that the second man in the party, Comrade Trotsky, was a traitor.
Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Stalin overthrew Trotsky and expelled him from the USSR (1927). But a couple of years later it turned out that Kamenev, Zinoviev and Bukharin were also enemies and pests. Then the brave comrade Heinrich Jagoda arrested them (1936).
A little later, Yagudu was arrested as an enemy agent by Yezhov (1937). But a couple of years later it turned out that Yezhov was not a comrade, but an ordinary traitor and enemy agent. And Yezhova arrested Beria (1938).
After Stalin’s death in 1953, everyone understood that Beria was also a traitor. Then Zhukov arrested Beria (1953).
But soon Khrushchev learned that Zhukov was an enemy and a conspirator. He sent Zhukov to the Urals.
And a little later it was revealed that Stalin was also an enemy, a pestilent and a traitor (1956). And with him, most of the political bureau. Then Stalin was taken out of the mausoleum, and the Politburo and Shepilov, who joined them, were dispersed by honest party leaders led by Khrushchev (1957).
Several years passed and it turned out that Khrushchev was a volunteer, a passenger, an adventurer and an enemy.
Brejnev then retired Khrushchev (1964). After Brejnev's death, it became clear that he was also a pest and the cause of stagnation (1964-82).
Then there were two more, which nobody remembered (1982-85). But here came to power a young, energetic Gorbachev. And it turned out that the whole party was a party of pests and enemies, but it is now he will fix everything.
The USSR collapsed (1991). Gorbachev was an enemy and a traitor.
You have read a brief course of the history of the CPSU.

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