— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was in the late 90s. I was young, strong in health, had a lukewarm and slightly stupid look. And I had in my friends two girls who are direct fans of horses, all talk only about them, the rooms are glued with posters, etc. And they were bound to a farm to help clean up the horses, paying for their work was in the form of "ride for free on any as much as you want." And every weekend they are there, from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Razek and I signed up with them on this adultery (young, the harmonium boils, and they only see horses), I say, it was bad. Not the essence. It was up to the cracks. They bring me a cabbage, small, gray face, the back is bended, speak to you, roll. I say, who are you taking me for? I grew up in the village, I have driven these horses since I was six (and I did not lie here, it was). Give me that black and healthy! And they are for me, he is a fucking, but a fucking head... Let’s put on the seat, now let’s see who of us is fucking,” I replied, like a real Hussar. The point is, we went. Everything seems to be normal, the horse seems to be quiet as well, I am like George, a fucking cowboy with a cigarette in his teeth and a hat. What are we going first? I thought, and stopped the vehicle. It was my mistake. This wickedness like broken from the place with the bucket, up to the spark from under the pipe. The hat flew away, the oak I swallowed, we go. We go very fast, running straight. And here the forest road goes to the right, not 90 degrees, but more than 45. I pull, I say turn, fucking, and he strikes straight. And right here we have a weed, grown with ivy, and then a pine bush. I’m already all over the clutches, swallow, contemporary. The horse turned to my side. I look, he scattered and married me with one eye, saying that’s a fucking trick. And it jumps through the rainbow from the move (there was exactly 3 meters in width), in the very, the fox, the dwarf. They jumped through the crossroads, still two, I ate the leaves along the way, lost the straw, but fast so for the hryvnia grabbed and by inertia on myself so and go, tpr-u, fucking!!! And then this pitcher of the eared horse completely flowed the roof, he ran on his own, like Allah, and in the pine from all the way. For a few seconds, I was rubbed by the blow. I sneak, fucking, hanging on a pine, at a height of two meters above the ground, grabbed her with my hands and feet and teeth, not to let go. He returned alone. I sat on a pedestal near the fence, I sat, I glued the road. After ten minutes, the cock comes back. I went out, I said, I fell. And he came to me, and laid his face on my shoulder, and cried on his own. Okay, okay what you are, everything was okay.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna