— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Parking of one shopping center, a peak hour. The cars are very tight.

I go back and touch a little behind the car.

I go out and see what’s there: and there my room frame is broken and the frame of that car’s number is broken and the dirt on both bumpers “harmed.”

There are no cracks and the paint is not damaged.

The only thing, my machine is dark, the victim is white and there are a couple of strips left on his bumper where dirt slipped.

From the second machine comes first the uncle. Everyone looks at that too.

I apologize and offer immediately on the spot to give money to paint a bumper + a little above. The price was known because after the purchase of the car, the bumper painted. Although, objectively, there would have all solved polishing, but it has collapsed - so you need to correct it.

My uncle looked at it too and agreed.

But here it came out, more precisely she.

The lady came out of the car, the whole police officer (it was before the circus with the horses) and began to whisper (right, guys, really whisper in hysteria), that I broke her car, that she will now call and everyone will sit, that I am 3, 14 full.

Uncle also turned on the rear: no one in place, only we call the mints.

Hour of Peak at TC. People walk by. Idiot, of course, everyone considers me and everyone approaches me with the words: "Well, you give money to a man and go, what are you standing? “”

Everyone had to explain that the police officer promised to arrest me and, in general, against the decision on the spot, insisted on calling for reinforcement.

The support came to us for a long time.

Around even gathered suffering to spectacles citizens, who, having learned all the history and my willingness to give a bag of gold, went to that car, but, having met the lady of the police, went away and twisted their fingers at the chest.

Luckily, after two hours, approximately, goats passed by and, noticing an unhealthy crowd of people, came to help: photographed, gathered data and invited from the morning to a group of adventure analysis.

They departed.

Little spoiler: There was rain at night, heavy rain.

In the morning I came to the group first, while drawing up the documents once again told me why I "pulled" money to settle on the spot. The police officer also stumbled.

Then came the victim (one, without a police lady) and we went to photograph the injury.

Approach, a police officer looks at the bumper: and there is not even a strip of dirt. A crack on the frame.

Police officer to uncle: "You have no injuries, there will be no affairs" (the phrase was more protocol, but the general sense was such).

I said, “You can be free.”

“If you want, go to court.”

and all. I was not even excited.

My uncle said to me, “You offered a bag of money yesterday, can you pay it? “”

Porzal, explained that the way to the tablespoon for lunch and left.

No one filed a case against me, but I suspect that I ruined the man’s life and Madame didn’t forgive him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna