— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Fuck the "gramatheis", who have a headache, and the Nihua themselves do not write literally. Fuck, "let the mirror foam when the rod is curved". Learn first to put "B" in the verbs s -is and -tся (checked by the question "what to do?" and "what does"?) is
For example:
I went yesterday, what should I do? to bath.
Bathing in the river – what do you do? and swimming.
Is it so hard to remember?? to

As well as "Ъ" instead of "B" in the words submission, fucking, fucking. For these rules, you do not need to finish philfak and have a higher education. It is enough to attend at least Russian language lessons in high school, where you have probably ever been.
It didn’t burst, but it burst!
The Plush! It may help minors who walk through school to remember such simple rules and will not be so much borrowed and scratching the eyes of the competent half of the Bacha readers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna