— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a friend who works as a nurse in Morga. Contrary to popular opinion, he is a very fun and sociable guy. He loves to gather friends for a joke xD Jokes about "joke from work" will not laugh anyone.

Here is the story he told him after drinking another portion of beer:

He went to the local market for meat. It is hot in the market in June. In the meat row stands a sellers aunt, pulling Hunting Strong. Next dialogue (D is a friend, P is a seller):

Q: Can I have fresh meat?

Q: It’s all fresh!

D: Aunt, I work in the morga, I know very well which meat is fresh and which is not.

Aunt presses a beer and gets really fresh meat from underneath the counter. Since then, it has only been purchased. He says he also gives discounts sometimes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna