— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Lovely people

Last week I bought a new car of my dreams. Big, beautiful and devastatingly expensive.
After completing all the documents and receiving a free fire extinguisher, I was already out on the street, where the purchase was waiting for me, and what was my surprise when all the employees of the car showroom dropped behind me, without exception, to conduct and wish a happy journey. A man of thirty in white shirts and cravates, mixed with workers in gray specialties from the rem zone. Some smiled a little noticeably, others looked around and whispered, but everyone did not take their eyes from me, many even filmed on phones. In front of everyone, with his hands crossed on his chest, there was a seller who was making a deal with me.
I pictured my foot, worshiped the people and pushed a small farewell speech:

- My friends, at my age, I bought a lot of different cars, but never before have seen such a good attitude of the car showroom team to their customer. I have never been accompanied by everyone, literally all the employees of the store. You are wonderful people, I am pleased to tears.

The group smiled, some even defiled.
I sat behind the wheel, waved my hand to say goodbye, drove the car and walked away, leaving all these cute people in the rear-view mirror. No one answered me for any reason, everyone looked at the seller.


Unfortunately, without prehistory, this story makes no sense. Well, you’ll think, in one separate car showroom picked up a person thirty friendly people who want to conduct their client on a newly purchased car, but not all is so simple. Half an hour before the mass farewell scene, I, already a full-fledged owner, stared into my new car, admired the buttons and breathed the smell of fresh plastic, and the seller whispered about various hooks and shelves, as he suddenly pointed to the gearbox lever and asked:

If not a secret, why did you choose the mechanical box? This is a rare choice nowadays.

My mood was playful and I replied:

"You see, in the thirty-five years of my driving experience, I moved on different cars and machines and on variators and on different robots, but somehow I never had to ride a mechanic, so I wanted to try. Moreover, many people praise her. Yes, and the word beautiful - m e x a n and k a, flows with speed and reliability. Why are there three pedals? What kind of pedal is this?
This is the C-C-C grip.
The traction? Is it that on a bad road the car would have a better grip on the ground?
Well... generally yes.

Here is the seller, barely containing laughter, and went to gather nice people to say goodbye to me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna