— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Covers of Paragon

When Parajanov was sitting in the zone, M. Antonioni, Federico Fellini, and Tony Guera fell down, gathered up $40,000 (a huge sum at the time) and transferred to Soyuzkino with a request to improve his conditions in the camp. Soyuzkino rejected the gift: “We should all sit in the same conditions.”

Nevertheless, Fellini was constantly sending Parajannov packages with products. The head of the zone began to question: who is this Federico?! Parajanov answered with a blue eye: “This is actually Fedor, my brother. He arrived in Italy in October with our revolutionary grandmother... and even took her surname – Fellini, which in Italian means “unbreakable”.

And when the pencil was removed from him in the area and he was forbidden to draw, he scratched the profiles of great people on kefir covers, poured resin and made such "Paradjanov medals". One of his works with the profile of Pushkin came to Fellini, and he made it a silver medal, which became the main award at the film festival in Rimini... It was received by Mastroyanni, Sophie Loren and Miloš Forman.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna