— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I met a cute girl. Communicated a couple of times. I ordered the delivery of flowers to her office on Friday morning. I did not warn her, I thought I would make a surprise. On the delivery website as the recipient indicated "office number such, table second from the entrance".

The morning began with the call of the courier that he brought flowers to the office, and there were only harsh men who did not expect such a gift.

- They are interested in you, ask to call your phone, without this they do not let go, - said the courier.

“Kate, give it,” I gave him in response.

Who are you Katya? The courier has made his situation worse. The call interrupted.

A second call followed, which began with a threat to my address. Someone strange was trying to find out where I was right now. Through a wall of mutual insults and misunderstandings, we found out that the bouquet was intended for the neighboring office.

A few minutes later, a third call came out. The courier said he had met resistance again and did not understand what to do with the bouquet. When he found Katya and handed her repeatedly hand-in-hand flowers, the man who worked at the next table was very opposed to such attention to his wife and again tried to find out the identity of "Michael". When I offered to give them to someone, I dropped the call.

I learned the details in the evening: Katya called me, asking if I would go to her office. “Why? I asked coldly, remembering a previously unknown husband. “I am late to work today, and when I came, the girls whisper that Catherine Petrovna and Sergey Ivanovich are getting divorced. You can imagine, her lover sent her a beautiful bouquet in the morning.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna