— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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An elderly woman from Florida, Sandra Smith, was shopping and, returning to her car, found four black men sitting inside.
She dropped her bags and pulled out her gun. Continuing to scream:
I have a gun, I know how to use it. Get out of the car!”
Four men decided not to wait for the second invitation. They came out and ran like crazy people. The lady, slightly shaken, loaded her bags in the back of the car and sat down on the driver’s seat.
The woman was so excited that she couldn’t put in the lighting key.
She tried everything and tried until she suddenly understood why.
A few minutes later, she discovered that her own car was parked across four or five cars.
She loaded her bags into the right car and went to the police station.
The sergeant, to whom the lady told the story, heroically refrained from laughing and pointed to the other end of the stand, where four excited African Americans told another officer how a crazy elderly woman in glasses with curly white hair and a large gun forced them to leave their own car and stole it.
As a result of the full-time bet, the old lady apologized to four African Americans who wanted to keep their names secret.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna