— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remembered how a lady-psychologist accidentally came to our house (I taught her daughter). She asked me if I didn’t want to protest Lisa about possible family misfortune. Lisa was six years old at that time. She was invited to paint a family portrait. The finished picture was this: in the foreground a huge hammer. Back (a much smaller hamster in height) - Dad. In large headsets (more head). Then I was very small with some pot in my hands. Well, and Lisa with a huge glass of Coca-Cola (almost from her height).
The psychologist was in trance. Our family was on the verge of death. Chamyac played a more important role in the life of the child than the parents. The father was terribly indifferent to the daughter, and stunned by the headphones from all the problems of the child, who (the child) suffered from this azzki. The mother was busy with the house routine (the pot) and cared about the child. The Coca-Cola glass, if the memory does not change me, symbolized the child’s desire for the illusory and unattainable (due to our righteousness) glow of the material world.
After listening carefully to the diagnosis, I told the psychologist the following:
1st The car was bought this morning at the subway. This is undoubtedly the most important event in the life of the child has found its reflection.
2nd My father broke his headphones. The child, snoring from his own nobility, handed the father headsets from his personal new player "for one day", and the father, naturally, sang a diffirambe of children's generosity and generosity, which also found its reflection.
Three It was not a pot. It was an old aquarium, which I pulled out of an anthrax to arrange a hammer house in it.
4 is The light of the material world. The hammer was sold to us in a half-liter cardboard glass under Coca-Cola. There was nothing more to carry him.

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