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The Cat with a Pride

Katie lacked the way, and she stood shy at the stop, moving from foot to foot, and didn’t know how to start a conversation with the adults.

People entered the public transport that stopped at the stop and came out of it, not paying any attention to the girl.

Ekaterina sat on the bench under the veil and loaded up. with her

This happened for the first time. The music school, where she studied for the third year, was five stops from home. Going far and scary. Asking for a trip is embarrassing.

“Mom was right when I said that you always need to take not only the passenger, but also the little thing: where to calculate where to go on a commercial transport, where to buy a pie.”

Katie seemed to have a stomach. She was listening. She wanted it, but it didn’t hurl at her.

The girl looked: she was alone at the stop. Katie turned around, and no one. Then I looked under the bench. In a distant corner, a cat was sitting there. A young cat. Dirty, with a glue on his back. He was sitting, wrapped up with his gorgeous hairy tail and squeezing his eyes.

Do you have it in your stomach? Katie laughed and put it in her bag.

In the school dining room they gave sausages in the pasta for lunch, and Katya took the bakery with her.

To eat at the music school, but there was no time at all, and the snack was left in the bag.

The cat pretended it wasn’t about him. Catherine unfolded the package, removed the sausage from the test and, putting it on a towel, pushed it to the cat.

and eat.

The cat pretended that he was not interested in food, while his stomach again made a sound.

Kiss Kiss, called Katya.

The cat rounded his eyes, looked up and, without taking his eyes away from the sausage, approached. He smelled for a long time, and then ate food so quickly that he seemed not even to chew. He turned around and went to the previous place under the bench.

A few more buses arrived and went on flight. No one went in or out at the stop.

Katya was breathing. I looked at the cat and said:

I will probably live here with you. I can’t go home, I can’t buy a ticket.

The cat on the word "ticket" stumbled, as if he had heard a familiar word.

Is that your name for a ticket? The girl asked, and the cat whispered. I am Katya.

If anyone came, Katya looked up. and none. The lunch break has already passed, and until the end of the working day there are another hour or two. I don’t have money for a ticket, I’ve spent somewhere.

The cat, listening attentively to the girl, suddenly left the stop.

Well here. Now you have gone too.

The cat came back quickly. He had a bill in his teeth. He put it on a towel where the sausage had recently been laid.

Five hundred rubles! Catherine cried out. The girl picked up the paper.

“The real.”

In the meantime, the route stopped.

Thanks for the ticket! Katya shouted goodbye and left.

*** by

The story with the cat did not come out of the girl's head. She did not see him at the stop anymore. I asked a woman if she knew where the cat was going.

He shrugged his shoulders:

It is a pity cat. I often sat here at the stop. Someone goes out, throws a ticket, and he runs after the paper, thinking that it is his food being thrown.

Katya now understood where the cat had the money, apparently someone robbed, and he picked up. It is attractive.

The winter came unnoticed. It was cold. The snow has fallen and has not melted anymore.

Katya was back from music school again, she was sitting at her stop and waiting for the bus.

Meu, he stood next to me.

Katya jumped up and began to look.

The ticket! She cried out. The cat, seeing that the girl noticed him, squeezed, sometimes stopping and mocking, and turned somewhere to stop. Katya followed him.

A little further in the bushes stood two boxes, which apparently served the cat’s home.

The cat stopped at one of the boxes and waited for Katya to look into it.

What is there that you want to show me?

Katie opened it. There were collected various papers, tickets, bags, and small banknotes.

There was something in the second box.

Katya opened the second box.

The cat! You are like a cat, right? Katie looked up. The cats were not seen anywhere.

The ticket sat next to him and looked with complaining eyes.

Katie stood still.

The cat went into the box and lay down with the cat next to warm it up.

and clearly. You are alone, Katya breathed. - Mom, of course, will not be very pleased with such a cat and also with an addict, but what to do, not to leave you here.

Katya took the cat, wrapped it in her shirt and went to the road. The cat called her, reminding her of the money.

Katya laughed, collected almost two hundred rubles and went to the stop.

The ticket remained in the same place.

- Ticket, - Katya turned and called him, - kiss-kis, go with us, whoever raises the cat will, I have a school.

The cat ran after.

The ticket and the cat stayed at Katie's home.

The end.

Author: © Sisoykina Natalia

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