— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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PinPix: That’s shit, that’s what Japanese pervers are.

PinPix: Just stumbled on the hentai, so there the main character is such a cute little girl, who, for some reason, both parents are terribly sick and in turn die. Type "He had a softening of the brain, and he knew it." (C) A. Ivanov. And here, therefore, sores, tears, first over the corpse of the mother, then over the corpse of the father. This is Hentai. In comments fairy "I was crying over hentai for the first time in my life....thank you..T_T"

PinPix: Imagine if the Germans catch up with the trend:

PinPix: In the resuscitation room attached to the bed lost memory naked blonde with the fifth breast size. She suffered an accident in which all her relatives died. Here the door opens, and an enormous sanitary enters with a broken width. He has a brain dilution and he knows it, he has 5 minutes to live. He embraces her sympathetically and immediately fucking her. After that, she dies on her arms, having time to report that he is her last surviving relative. She fills herself with hysterical tears, breaks out a dropper and also dies. The end. And a faint spectator who shakes and cries. T_T


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna