— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 80 - ]
A very real letter arrived in our online store:

Dear fellow suppliers!
03:29 Order has been issued.
It was not just an order.
That was my order.
He even had a number.
and 3496.
This order you promised to bring yesterday.
I wonder if I missed something important in the 30s.
We all pray to our Lord Jesus Christ that the courier was not struck by the evil opposition (I did not see them, but I was told!) I did not spy on my order.
Please tell me what is happening?
Is the planet doomed?
Will no one stop Satan’s measurable action?! to
Does anyone tell me about the fate of the order 3496?! to
– is
for possible inconvenience. Sincerely yours. With immortal love. man-made order 3496."

Oh... everybody would write like that, you look, working would be more fun :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna