— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The holiday season, more careful with drinks on the road, citizens) A friend told - he recently went to rest at sea. I drank in the train. At some stop went out to buy minerals, stands in line, waiting. Suddenly he sees the train touching and gaining speed. A deceased friend breaks down and has time to jump into the last wagon (while losing during the rush one shrapnel). Then, bursting under the nose of the curse, through the whole train, in one shirt and shorts, with a meth in his hand goes into his wagon and sees that in his place sleeps some man. He begins to wake him up, a whirlwind. In short, I omit the details - he was drunk and took the train departing from the neighboring road for his own, which at this time stood peacefully on the other side.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna