— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I recently dreamed that it was just an atheist. I don’t know what Freud would say if he had no dreams.

What a dream?

I go to the building, I walk. Around the armature there are all kinds of decorated, unbuilt buildings and so on. I see a crane. Normal such a healthy building crane, but just fell I approach it, and it has a iron mask on top. Two eyes and a cut mouth. Here the crane rises up a little and says something to me. We talked, I don’t remember what. And suddenly he confesses to me in love O_o Bali. Then something happens, I don’t remember, the crane has become smaller, and the horizontal fig (on which the hook hangs) disappears. There is still a tower with a mask and the worst thing is that we became a couple. But we can’t do love (-__-`), because he doesn’t have a male dignity, only some metal hill in the same place –__- I cried at the crane because of this, oral XD and he looked at me guilty and answered nothing we, I remember, even doctors called – but they couldn’t do anything with him (although doctors I needed to call, and he – welders XD). These things woke up in shock. Pipet, an erotic dream with a construction crane -__- balin...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna