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Shlimazl in Palestinian

A few years ago, a Palestinian suicide terrorist went “to work.” At the full parade (bomb, explosive, screws and all the other things that are assigned to him by specialty) went to our people, in order to choose the place of the crowd and explode. It would seem that the beginning is such that it does not promise laughter even to an anti-Semit.
It is not known what was the qualification of that hero of the Palestinian people, but as a workplace he chose not just anything, but one of the busiest places in Jerusalem. He looked around, stood in the crowd and pressed the explosive. But God had other plans for the day.
The explosive worked, the bomb – no, a click and silence. And only the sound of the falling body - the terrorist, when the explosive clicked out of fear, he lost consciousness. Glory be to God who takes away the hand of his enemies from his people - he will send the sappers in time, then the intelligence will be accurate and timely, or even just offend those enemies with the mind. That time the last thing happened very well - fortunately, the Arab Einsteins did not know something there with a bomb.

The vigilant citizens saw the siege of the Arab called "where to" and in a few minutes there was the army, the police and these very "who should" - Shabat in general. The area is covered. The sappers of the unconscious Palestinian were quietly dismembered: the explosive was neutralized, the body was sent to the Hadasha hospital, the soul was left to talk to the ancestors. The soul of the ancestors, apparently, did not fit and soon she returned to the body. The doctors of Hadassa did not even have to try especially - the terrorist came to consciousness quite quickly.

And there, in consciousness, this event was expected by a lot of serving people.
Representatives of Shabak and other bodies, who had the duty of service to have questions about the terrorist, waited for his awakening in the chamber, and other force structures guarded it outside. And here their client leaned, sat down on the bed, raised his right hand in a command gesture, firmly, clearly and very seriously said, "Take them all!"

Shabaka’s experienced employee, speaking Arabic specifically for this occasion, decided that he did not understand something and asked in pure Arabic:
“Who?” “Everyone” was spoken by a Palestinian. “Bring them here together and I’ll take them all!”
After an additional phrase-two to Shabat came that the terrorist decided that he was already in heaven and demands what was laid down. Meanwhile, the Shahid folklore says that for the "holy cause in the struggle with the unbelievers", there are 72 virgins in paradise. Gurias, say, are more suitable for each other, and are issued by the group for unlimited use. And this is not for you a trade union trip, especially after the misery of the Arab village, where the goat is one for the whole village, and the one for the coolest guy.

In general, this is an unsettling scene – a Palestinian terrorist in an Israeli hospital demands from a counterintelligence officer a Qur’an-based guru. Not as chaotic, but all at once.

After laughing, the Shabakovs faced a small problem: the Palestinians refused to believe in the brutal reality. And they spoke to him in Hebrew, and so, and Edak, and he stood on his own, saying, I have done the thing, it is my duty. He insisted on a stubborn snorkel and considered the deal on the number of gurus inappropriate. Psychologists would probably say that this is how his psyche was defended from the harsh reality. Psychologists say that almost always. People, in the course of the play, the client needs to be questioned, and he has nonsense in his mind.

And then the investigator brought the most important argument – presented himself in office, documents written in Hebrew presented and asked,
“How do you think I’m a Jew, and even a Shabaab worker could go to the same paradise with you?” “No,” the terrorist replied, and... he cried.

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