— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Let’s go together =)
Accident near Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region. The main acting person is the Mercedes G55 under the control of a driver of a man born in 1937, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Coming out to a meeting, collision with two cars.
Now napalm - comment GIB2D:
A case on an administrative offence was initiated and an administrative investigation was conducted. During it, the left front wheel of the Mercedes G55 was picked up for automotive research. According to the results of the study, the cause of de-hermetization of the left front wheel was damage to the outer edge of the wheel disc, due to the impact on it of a non-exploitation impact load with an effort exceeding the strength limit of the material from which it is made.

The cause of the accident is "concentration of excavations on the road".

Mega commentary from the forum:
The final version of GIBDD: In fact, the cause of the accident was a sudden spacetime curvature resulting in a change in the gravitational field by which the Mersedes car moved to the opposite side of the road and committed an accident. In relation to the general theory of relativity, an administrative offence case was initiated by Einstein.

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