— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Yokohama: yesterday was in the Panteleimon church)) so it turned out that I was near the confession hall)) and I hear the voices: "bless me, daddy, because I have sinned")) well, I became interested, and I came closer)) and I hear this dialogue of daddy (b) and confessing (s)
Father, I have committed a great sin.
Repent, my son, the Lord will forgive
I'm a senior sys.admin in my company, and I've burned a server screw with backups, I can't sleep now, and I can't find peace anywhere, what should I do?
B: Wow, my son, here you do not need to ask forgiveness from the Lord, but from Kthulhu.
He could not listen further, fell away and racked)) asked to leave the church))
Yana: Jan, you will laugh =)) this daddy-my neighbor, 10 years as a sister-admin worked, and then tired of worldly vanity and drunkenness, and entered some religious institute at the 30th year of life =)) and the man who came to the confession is the current administrator in their office =)) they get stuck sometimes to post listening confessions =))
Yokohama: your mother, I feel caught by a perverse in a women’s bathroom))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna