— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I clean up the audience. Around full of buttocks: repairs have begun, a bunch of boards, sticks, heavy tools... I bathe under the barrel, I collect small garbage. Here comes a couple and without noticing me begins a dialogue:

D: I need to talk to you.
P, obviously feeling bad: yeah, let’s go.
D: We have to break up.
Q: Why is it?! to
D: You’re too good, too beautiful for me... and in general...
P is waiting.

The man looks at the audience. He raises a stick, pretending to fuck her. He leaves. He lifts someone abandoned. He pretends again. He smiles and turns to the girl. I am already preparing to jump out of the shelter and cut it off with a hammer. Here he does the unexpected:

P is holding.
He stretches her loose. The girl in Ahaia. I too.
Q: Now you’re going to beat me in the mouth until I’m going to be crazy enough for you.

A long pause. They have forgotten the kiss. I carefully walked through the second exit until something hotter began.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna