— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sp( taken)one from the forum on autotuning
Our task on the lamp to create a diffraction grid so that the xenon beam passing through it changed its frequency and wavelength. Thus, it is compressed and eventually shines brighter.
YYY: The guys! If you paint the whole lighthouse with silver, then the light will be even brighter, the current with the width of the stripes of the hope will not облажаццо. Then inside the lighthouse there will be a coherent standing wave forming (learn physics!) and already from the standing wave will be a single-mode radiation
Zzzz: Guards, you didn’t catch the chips. The hottest thing to paint is not silver, but egg yellow half with acetone! There is also ultraviolet!!! It burns even more light!! to
QQQ: Do not confuse the main polarity, otherwise the bulb will radiate darkness and cold.
Thanks, I laughed to tears!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna