— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Sexualinaya: I have not heard. Do you like Timothy?
[CC-mne]: I am a fan of him. He is so cool!!! to
Sexualinaya: I also like it.
CC: I like it. His psychedelic theory is a miracle!!! to
Sexualinaya: A new song? I did not listen yet. Does she have? I like “Heaven’s Crying.”
[CC-mne]: Yes This theory of psychedelics is a song. Speaking about limiting LSD is a revolution.
[Sexualinaya] YesHe is so cool!! I would so love to meet him.
[CC-mne]: You will meet him. He is dead. You will meet him in heaven.
[Sexualinaya] : Timothy is dead???? When is???? to
Timothy Leary, the greatest psychologist, founder of the theory of mind and the father of psychedelics, passed away on August 31, 1996. I offer to honor his memory with three hours of silence.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna