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Diamond: 7 Signs That Disney Cartoon Winnie the Pooh is Promoting Drugs
The diamond: 1. Ya-ya - he has everything on the drum, he has slow reactions and a pronounced lack of motivation - hemp
The diamond: 2 Fifth - is afraid of everything and suffers from the persecution mania - mushrooms
The diamond: 3 Rabbit - everywhere is his big nose, everything he needs - cocaine
The diamond: 4 Tiger - can not stand still, constantly jumping and screaming never tired - ecstasy
The Diamond: 5 Christopher Robben - can talk to animals - uses hallucinogens
The diamond: 6 Winnie Pooh - loves sweets, has truly unlimited fantasy - LSD
And finally 7. Sova - always comes to help if someone has "problems" - drag dealer

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna