— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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They say raise the birth rate, the demographic problem, ah! I live in Yekaterinburg, for those who are behind the ICAD - this is not the southernmost city of Russia and our temperature has already fallen below 0. There is no heating, no hot water. All thoughts flow to warm up! We are a young family. What sex is there, my husband and I didn’t do it before! We get under the blanket and do not move, so that the cold air from outside does not penetrate, so in a hug and fall asleep! And I’m sure it’s not just in Yaka that this is a problem! Until a couple of GEOs are burned and a few workers of the GEOs are hanged, the birth rate in the country will not increase!!! to

Sorry for the UG! As accepted here - for these quotes:

Dr. House: In any case, he has a bullet injury, just by the word.
Dr. Cameron: Was he shot?
Dr. House: No, someone threw a bullet at him.

Dr. Caddy: I can’t even imagine the perverted logic you used to shoot a dead man.
Dr. House: Well, if I shot a living person, there would be more paper fiber.

House enters with Black Father Foreman.
Dr. Caddy: The House What is it?
Dr. House: It’s not “what,” it’s who. They can even vote now.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna