— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

I am thirty years old. I have never had sex in my whole life, and I have not been attracted to any girl.
A month ago, a psychotherapist told me I was asexual. when it does not pull to any soil).
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I'm not going to argue with doctors, but in my opinion you're a dog.

Our society is ruined by such limited people who see nothing beyond their nose. Those who live within their miserable world and do not realize that there is a civilization Outside your inflamed brain, where sperm floats instead of gray matter. Love is not just flowers, chocolate and sex in the parent’s bed – it is the acceptance of the characteristics of a person who is close and dear to you. And not everyone has the desire to repel someone or, on the contrary, move their legs in front of someone. Not a month, not a year, not five. This does not mean that a person is sick, he is just what he is. So, you’re just a minor dude.

You can’t get to the top. Nevertheless, the majority will never understand that if a person is different in something, it does not mean that he is abnormal, sick, or just not.

and asexual.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna