— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Dear visitors, throwing a large number of UGs into the Abyss! Thank you very much!

Every time I read quotes about who, where and how badly, I am overwhelmed by the awareness of how well I live. Judge for yourself: travel in transport costs us not 35 rubles, but 10-12; in our dining rooms you can eat from the pulp for 60-80 rubles (first + second + third), and not for 200+; in the universe I studied on the budget and did not know problems such as extortionists or tails; no bribery in GAI I did not pay, but after a month of study in the auto school I passed both theory and practice from the first time; I never had a relationship with girls that would use me; the list can continue.

Honestly, before reading all your outbreaks, I didn’t realize how happy I was. I sincerely hope we are so many. Therefore, people who have something wrong - I sincerely wish you everything to be just wonderful! Come to Irkutsk, we’re all fine. Inet, of course, is expensive (1000+ per month for megabit unlimited), real estate is inexpensive and expensive as everywhere, but in the rest - just great.

P.S. A man with dollars! And I wish you that it all starts to go wrong, but until then, please do not come.

P. P. S. Please raise it up to the best, maybe someone’s heart will be a little warmer. and ;)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna