— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Humor does not contain.

I know why all men are goats!! to

Because the cute-girls-no-pretense-with-feeling-humour-sympathetic-smart and will not look at the ordinary guy, not finally distracted by the female attention, not attending noisy parties, who in life is just doing his business and does not try to prove anything to anyone.
For a guy with a healthy self-esteem who does not build out of himself a bride.
All girls, no matter how smart they are, look primarily at brutal males/high-strength-intelligent.
Not the usual.
When I started dating a boy at sixteen, he had no idea of himself.
All of my friends turned their fingers at the whisky and called me ‘helper’ behind my back.

Now my abandoned, divorced, offended, goats-all friends envy me. Because he is smart, beautiful (dressed and pumped a bit:), he gives me flowers and wears it on his arms.
So is.
You have to look in the eyes. With good and smart eyes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna