— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We went to the local KVN, as a support group, which was on the shore of the reservoir, in the summer. Get the vodka. We were 30 people (along with the KVN team). There was a lot of vodka, but all used in the first evening. After the performances, there was a disco. I was already on a good support and decided to sit on the bench. I sit. I do not touch anyone. Kent: What are you sitting on? I: - I want to sleep, but I have the strength to get to the tent (the tent town was broken). He says I will help. Takes me for the collar of the jeans with one hand, the other for the belt of the jeans and in a horizontal position carries me to my tent. How he did not seize any stretch from the tents remains a mystery. But he did not bring me to the tent. It fell in 2 meters. I raise my head, see my tent and slide toward it. Added. go down. It became warm and comfortable. I slept. After a while I wake up and realize that it is morning. The birds are singing and lighting. I try to get up. I can not. Someone is lying on me. I go and say, get up!
There’s a voice from above – who are you? I answered, yeah yeah! That is me!! Let me get up!! I feel it’s getting easier, but I can’t get up anyway. I said, Why are you not standing up? The voice from above: Stand up! I: Why can’t I get up? My hysteria has begun. And here is the main question: - and you, what fucking kind of person are you under the tent?!?! to
The curtain...
P.S The mood was raised in everyone that morning in our tent town :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna