— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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minus twenty two? Do not watch, brother.
Minus twenty three? Soap on top!
And at twenty four? We are warm in the apartment.
minus twenty five? Let us joke!
Minus twenty six? We will eat more!
minus twenty seven? Not Ebay at all!
minus twenty eight? Please repeat!
minus twenty nine? Wear the valley!
Even a minus 30? The happy faces.
And at thirty one? We eat plumber!
Minus thirty two? Around the head!
Minus thirty three? Look at the BL!
And thirty four? What is happening in the world?
And thirty five? for@b@li bl#t!
Minus thirty six? It is gesture!
minus thirty seven? Not funny at all!
minus thirty eight? We will ask for it!
Minus forty three? Deceased the spiders.
minus forty five? The crows are fucking.
minus forty eight? Wear three shirts.
A minus fifty? The hair crumbles.
The Seventy Four? As in a timber.
A minus ninety? We simply lift.
At ninety eight? We will not give up the ural.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna