— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Have you ever seen people who have no sense of humor? I have always had an unhealthy interest in them, moreover, I collected. One of the most outstanding “examples” of my collection was
Sarah, the administrator of our Doll Theatre. A cute, kind, glamorous woman, but the joke did not understand decisively. We all played it, of course, and I was more than others. She, indeed, was not offended, but only promised, "Winter, you will get it on the side!" and came out.

Once the Doll Theatre toured in a small Russian town. The resettlement of artists. I quickly settled in my room, missed myself and went to the lobby in search of adventure. I go down the stairs and see our gorgeous Sarah standing, swinging her head into the administrator’s window, and having an intense conversation. I understand that the issues are discussed of the importance of the extraordinary: whom of the actors to transfer from the shadow side to the sun and vice versa; whom to move from a two-bedroom to a three-bedroom, and who "by the staff" rely on separate chords... The view from behind is just luxurious. The idea has not yet matured, but the momentum has already appeared – and I’m going down the stairs. And when I reach the goal (Sara), the idea materializes. I catch our administrator for the most outstanding place, I get him all and at the same time even shake... Class?

Sarah turns in anger and... it turns out not to be Sarah! Could I have imagined that there is another woman in the world with shapes of such a scale? I find the perfect way out of the situation I am in is to die on the spot. And indeed, something like this begins to happen to me: the heart dies, the blood ceases to flow through the veins; I am covered from head to foot with a sticky cold dust... Here a good stranger begins to revive me. She grabs me by the shovel, not allowing me to crumble on the floor; she beats me on the cheeks with a boat and says, "Well, it is, don't die. Well, puppy, live, I ask you! Whoever doesn’t do that is wrong!”

I survived... It turned out that she was a doctor of chemical sciences, a professor; a great smart woman. We were friends with her all the two weeks that my damned passion for joking brought us to this hotel.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna