— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A teacher at the institute told me a long time ago. It seems that the topic of the lecture was "Hysteria"; however, if the doctors do not agree - let them not argue, my speciality was still not medical.
So, one young person, aged 18-20, went to the May holidays
(and it was in deep Soviet times) with friends in nature: fire, songs under the guitar, a night in a tent and other romantic delights. And, apparently, the fresh air so influenced the young townwoman that at night she saw a terrible dream; and not only saw, but even in a sense "feeled" how a snake came into her mouth, through the esophagus penetrated into the stomach and decided to stay there forever. She wakes up and continues to "feel" as the snake in her stomach turns into rings, arranging more comfortably.
Of course, when she arrived in the city, she first ran to the clinic... and, of course, nobody even looked at her there. The girl is in the hospital, but they are also swallowed there. And the snake "lives" inside, from time to time making it feel easy movements through the organs. The girl had a lot of friends, but soon she stopped being called to any parties, because the story about the snake quickly got tired, and the girl used every opportunity to visit the turmoil of fate and unfair doctors. And one at home is even worse... And here is some old friend who has long left the city and, apparently, still
I didn’t hear about the snake, I invited her for her birthday. A friend was studying medicine, and, accordingly, most of her friends were medical students. Well, how not to take the opportunity - you do not meet such an audience every day! Of course, and this time most of the guests quietly had fun, listening to the story of the first-May adventures, but found one, in whose face the girl finally found an attentive listener.
He understandably sneered, asked where exactly it happened and how she feels now. I even took the phone number.
A few days later there was a call, and the very acquaintance (by the way, a graduate surgeon) offered a new acquaintance to lie with them in the hospital.
Of course, she agreed. Further, everything went as required: examination, directing for immediate surgery, anesthesia... when the patient woke up from anesthesia, the stomach was bound, and a smiling graduate student showed her the already spirited snake in the bank. Don't think bad - he really was not only a responsive, but also a very entrepreneurial person: I don't know how he managed to get along in the hospital, but under anesthesia (real!) The girl made a light cut on the skin of the abdomen, then sewed it, and the serpent in the bank the graduate student borrowed from a familiar veterinarian.
For the first time in a few months, she felt healthy and happy. As soon as she was allowed to get up, she rushed to the phone.
(I repeat, the times were Soviet, no mobile phones), which was next to the closet for visitors, and started to call all friends and acquaintances: say, you did not believe me, and now this snake is sent to the main medical museum! The old garment maker, burdened with two disabilities and great knowledge of life, listened attentively. And what else to do: visitors go a few, to talk to no one, and here such an interesting thing is told! When the girl was about to pick up another number from the phone book, he asked again:
“What, little girl, did you actually find the snake? Well, of course, we have good doctors, not the same as in other hospitals... And when, you say, it flooded into you? In the May? “Yes, it’s dangerous in the woods in May... The snakes, they’re just reproducing in May – the snakes, that’s to say, they’re peeling out at this time...” And then the lady clearly felt that not only one, but at least five snakes had grown up since May.
Of course, she was released from the hospital much later; and already from another department.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna