— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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[quote] Another option: in the club. You approach the girl from the back, turn around and kiss in the snail. Then you make a frightened appearance and try to justify that you have identified. There are different options for developing the situation.
1) You get a crack from her.(It is all bad)
2) You get in the jaw from her guy, whom you for some reason did not immediately notice.(Everything is very bad)
3) She is delighted with you and you continue to get to know her. (It is all well)
4) from you in admiration her guy, whom for some reason you did not immediately notice. You are still getting acquainted with him. and. and. but this is a sad option and we will not think about it)))) (everything is so bad that it would be better if it was just very bad)[/quote]

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna