— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:

The man in the black car, respect to you! I saw how you stopped today at the intersection when you went out on the road, went out by turning on the emergency signal and helped grandmother to get through the slippery straw on the sidewalk, behind you stood another 2 cars and they hid all of you material to meet their rod and nail, and you real respect, grandmother was in shock for another 2 minutes and broke on...

This country begins to change... where to look...
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I thought to write it or not, but when I saw this quote, I decided. Yesterday, I am leaving the house, walking 50 meters, I bowed to scratch the jeans (from the timberlands coming out constantly) as I see in the darkness, the lights of the car standing in front of me turned on, when I was straight, they went out. The driver of the journey thought I chose something, and decided to light up)
Something is wrong with our country...


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna